Vanishing Point ...
They still live in the shadows, some say,
Live in the cracks and tears of time
The lingering ghosts and confused souls
Of those who came from distant lands
To build a railway across this country
Strong and courageous, mostly Chinese,
Toiling in heat and cold for pennies a day
Men watching their fathers and sons collapse
Beneath the scurvy, starvation, or errant dynamite blasts
And those that lived
Lived to tell the tales
Of the vanquished who once danced
And laughed along the rails
The men who marvelled at what they had done
Even as they looked bravely into the tunnel of death
Just beyond where the distant tracks
Met to become one
At an indistinct but somehow reassuring
Vanishing point
Live in the cracks and tears of time
The lingering ghosts and confused souls
Of those who came from distant lands
To build a railway across this country
Strong and courageous, mostly Chinese,
Toiling in heat and cold for pennies a day
Men watching their fathers and sons collapse
Beneath the scurvy, starvation, or errant dynamite blasts
And those that lived
Lived to tell the tales
Of the vanquished who once danced
And laughed along the rails
The men who marvelled at what they had done
Even as they looked bravely into the tunnel of death
Just beyond where the distant tracks
Met to become one
At an indistinct but somehow reassuring
Vanishing point