An Idiom's Guide To Poetry ...
i got a bee in my bonnet
a burr in my saddle
some days it seems
i'm up the creek without a paddle
for some people life is just a shot in the dark
for others it's a blessing in disguise i think
and even though i'm sure every cloud has a silver lining
i guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
some days i'm just par for the course
some days i can't see the writing on the wall
some days i say stuff right out of the blue
i guess what i mean is anyone's call
lovers know it takes two to tango and three's a crowd
infidelity is always the straw that breaks the camel's back
still to err is human, to forgive divine
so try not to be the pot calling the kettle black
i don't play the blame game, i let bygones be bygones
no sense crying over spilt milk, no sense preaching to the choir
i mean what's the point to getting one's nose out of joint
no sense jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire
hey, i'm no flash in the pan, no wolf in sheep's clothing
i'm cool as a cucumber, and i let sleeping dogs lie
but if all you can be is a fair weather friend
i'll be the apple of your eye when pigs learn to fly
some people shake a leg, some shake skeletons in the closet
some wear their heart on their sleeve and some say blood is thicker than water
i may be beating around the bush, may be barking up the wrong tree
i guess fools who trust idioms are like lambs led to slaughter
a burr in my saddle
some days it seems
i'm up the creek without a paddle
for some people life is just a shot in the dark
for others it's a blessing in disguise i think
and even though i'm sure every cloud has a silver lining
i guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
some days i'm just par for the course
some days i can't see the writing on the wall
some days i say stuff right out of the blue
i guess what i mean is anyone's call
lovers know it takes two to tango and three's a crowd
infidelity is always the straw that breaks the camel's back
still to err is human, to forgive divine
so try not to be the pot calling the kettle black
i don't play the blame game, i let bygones be bygones
no sense crying over spilt milk, no sense preaching to the choir
i mean what's the point to getting one's nose out of joint
no sense jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire
hey, i'm no flash in the pan, no wolf in sheep's clothing
i'm cool as a cucumber, and i let sleeping dogs lie
but if all you can be is a fair weather friend
i'll be the apple of your eye when pigs learn to fly
some people shake a leg, some shake skeletons in the closet
some wear their heart on their sleeve and some say blood is thicker than water
i may be beating around the bush, may be barking up the wrong tree
i guess fools who trust idioms are like lambs led to slaughter