Thursday, April 16, 2015

What You See

What You See

I went to the Dollar $tore yesterday, and I bought three pairs of those eye glasses that you can still get for a buck a piece.

This morning, I'm trying them out.

One pair makes everything thing seem awfully big. In fact, I feel as though I've fallen down a rabbit hole, and the world has literally doubled in size.

Another pair makes everything about two sizes smaller. Even my coffee cup looks to be miles away, and I dare not try to reach for it.

The last pair just sort blurs everything into a kind of milky fog, and it's like I've been on a drunken bender for the last couple of days.

Some people say, "What you see is what you get."

Don't believe it. It's usually a lie.

Some people go to great lengths to ensure that others see them the way they want to be seen. Some pretend to be larger than life and oh-so-worthy of your admiration, some pretend to be small and insignificant and oh-so-worthy of your constant sympathy, and some just whip up a bit of hocus-pocus so that you'll never really see what they're like at all.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't always want to see what others are really like, but some days, that's all I seem to be able to see.

I guess that I should have bought the pair with the rosy tint in the glass.



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