Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The Double Whammy


When I woke up this morning, I got to thinking about that age-old phrase, "tit-for-tat."

Most people think of a "tit-for-a-tat" as some kind of retaliation. For example, if you throw a can of mace into your neighbour's yard in an attempt to shut their damn always-barking Doberman Pincers up, you might find that such a "tat" would warrant a rather severe "tit" in return.

Your neighbour might well be justified in throwing a live grenade in the middle of your next barbecue party or defoliate your prize rose garden with something like agent orange, which if I remember my Viet Nam Protest days correctly, is a kind of psychedelic Roundup, a nifty little garden product that eliminates everything and anything green in this world.

I think "tit-for-tat" is a pretty cool expression, but I can't for the life of me figure out why it's meant to suggest only something negative. For some reason, this innocent looking phrase implies the need for some kind of revenge.

I'm not a revenge kind of guy. In fact, there's a very popular television series in North America called, Revenge, but I couldn't get past watching a couple of episodes. There is something sinister about seeking revenge, and for the most part, it's mostly a waste of time and effort. I can't be bothered with it. Unless, of course, someone harmed my children. Then, that person would want to be watching his or her back. Well, that's just what a father does, I guess.

I'm never sure how words or phrases adopt a particular emotional context. Couldn't "tit-for-tat" also have a more positive equivalence, sort of like a "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" kind of scenario.

I mean, if I do something nice for you, like bring you your favourite coffee from Starbucks on my way home from a hard day a work, it would seem to me that, since I have done you a "tat," then somewhere down the road, I should be able to expect a "tit" in return. I think such an expectation is justified.

Of course, if you can't offer a "tit" for my "tat," I suppose any kind of nicety would do, maybe make me a nice breakfast in bed or some such thing. Still, I must confess that I think I would prefer a "tit," thanks just the same.




  1. I'm not revengeful either but I so get annoyed with no backbone. I suppose my talk with a friend who needed a little gumption didnt do two hoots! The reply was well I'm bad at that stuff. Tried once and got blown off. Well, then one shouldn't worry over no answer when one won't step up to the plate. I didn't know about that movie, but we seem to have a few like teen pregnancy shows that I can't watch either. I'm more an action / mystery tv viewer. Revenge is something I steer clear of for the most part.

    1. You do have to stand up for yourself and your family. That's normal. Going out of your way to "get back" at someone ... that's not normal.

  2. "Revenge" is one of my favorite TV shows. It's a mix of good and pure evil. I have to wonder if the writers had real people in mind when they created the show.

    Anyway, I'm not one to seek revenge, but I do believe people who hurt other people eventually get their comeuppance.


    1. Coffee? Yes ... of course ... and I agree that there is karma for those who would wrong others ...

  3. I actually experienced the wrath of one of those Doberman, and a miniature one, that! It bit my ankle, recently. Ever since then, I've carried a miniature pepper spray with me, just in case. I'm all for revenge, in certain situations, and this is one that I definitely persued.

    1. Haha ... you reminded me of a time when I was bit by a dog while doing a summer job ... I think he got hit by a delivery truck late that summer ... karma ...

  4. A tit for tat sounds perfectly positive!! ~grin~ ... as for revenge ... karma has her ways!!

    1. "karma has her ways!!"

      I hadn't read your comment before replying to the above ... we think alike ...

  5. Well I read all of this, started trying to form an intelligent response, then I got to the last line and burst out laughing and lost my thoughtful answer ! Here's hoping you get your "tit" Kennedy :-))

    1. ;o}

      Well, you can't let a good punchline just float away ...

  6. What a titillating read! I believe in balance in this world, therefore you are right..tits need tats.

    ...on the revenge side..doesn't it usually go tat tit tat tit tat tit tat...?

    1. Yes, revenge seems a vicious circle ... never-ending ...

      "a titillating read" ... indeed ... you're so witty ...

  7. you're so witty ...

    nah, unfortunately that's not my line...just a witty titbit I stole.

  8. There are different situations, some to let go others to stand up for. We all want some kind of justice.

  9. Sometimes - maybe most, it's best just to walk away. Karma is welcome but never a sure thing. I'm not giving up my tits for any tat.

    1. "I'm not giving up my tits for any tat."

      Haha ... are you sure?


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